The plot is classic and the book is well written but, it is too short. The opportunities for fleshing out the bones of the characters are missed and the plot does tend to stumble a bit from place rather than the smooth transition that we expect from this wonderful author. The series of major characters are crying out to be further developed and that would have made all the difference. All in all its not a bad book at all but not in the same class as "Legend" or the "Waylander" series. Still inspite of my criticism, not a book to be missed.
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A Google user
It was a good read that held me tight for the whole run. Something felt missing though. The characters were interesting but maybe slightly half full. This missing ingredient I cant really put my finger on, is the reason I reduced the one star and only gave it 4. So a thoroughly good book but not Dostoyevskys Crime and punishment.
matt aiello
so often, reading heroic fantasy, good and evil are described in black and white terms... Good and evil men are born that way, and their deeds are purely good, or purely evil. a clear and unambiguous distinction. it was fascinating to read between the lines in this tale, almost being able to feel the author's own doubts and uncertainty as he explores what the concepts of good and evil truly mean. the ending was a satisfying redemption arc and closed out what felt like an important step in gemmells journey toward inspiring relatability in his characters.