Hui-Shin Wong or Wong Hui Shin is a simple Malaysian who read a lot and travel the world. Through her stories, she aims to change the world for a better place to live, i.e. a humane world and soon, an Utopia to promote "perfectionism". She hope her readers evolve their mindset to a globally thinker and not only following others without thinking. "See, Think, Enlighten, then, Follow (S.T.E.F.)!" Also, she would like to bridge the gap between the poor and the rich, the intelligent and the ordinary, the masters and the slaves, the local graduates and the overseas graduates, the easterners and the westerners, the IT-savvy and non-IT savvy individuals. Her writing style ensures you read with joy; a bit classy, a bit didactic, a bit exaggerated, a bit funny and a bit hilarious. It is just her style in love with 'zero' and 'one' in consequence of a Techno-Educationist by education and training.