In this first issue of “Nectar,” the Universal Mother’s transcendent wisdom, we offer articles on Vedanta, on Sufi Meditation, and teachings from the Tantric Wisdom of Mother India. There is an article on Nondual Judaism focused on Jewish spiritual practice, and of course the “Wisdom Facets from the Gem of Truth,” teachings from our SRV ideal — Sarada, Ramakrishna and Vivekananda — whose matchless love and wisdom will grace every future issue. In all these articles, indivisible unity, called Advaita or nondualism, is greatly emphasized. This is one of the aims of our SRV journal, to show that all practice along the spiritual path can and should be undertaken with the fore-knowledge of our essential oneness with God. As my guru used to tell me, “Grace and self-effort must go hand in hand.” Human beings are expressions of God, pure and perfect by nature, but the mind needs to know this. This knowing is called Enlightenment, Illumination, Liberation or Self-realization and cannot be feigned, nor can the integrity of the path leading to It be compromised.